Sweetheart Sona

Sweetheart Sona

  975 RP

Release Year : 2016 

Skin Spotlight

Sona Lore
Sona has no recollections of her actual folks. As a newborn child, she was discovered surrendered on the doorstep of an Ionian appropriation house, settled on an antiquated instrument in a flawless instance of obscure inceptions. She was a curiously all around carried on tyke, constantly peaceful and content. Her guardians were certain she would locate a home rapidly, yet it soon got to be clear that what they mixed up for unprecedented amiableness was really a powerlessness to talk or to deliver any stable at all. Sona stayed at the selection house until her teenagers, viewing in sad hush as imminent adopters cruised her by. Amid this time, the overseers sold her abnormal instrument to on edge gatherers, wanting to construct her a trust. For a heap of peculiar and sudden reasons, be that as it may, it would be returned, or basically show up again outside the house.

At the point when a well off Demacian lady named Lestara Buvelle scholarly of the instrument, she quickly set out to Ionia. At the point when the guardians showcased the instrument for her, she climbed silently and investigated the house, halting outside Sona's room. Without a second thought, Lestara received her and left a liberal gift for the instrument. With Lestara's direction, Sona found a profound association with the instrument which Lestara called an 'etwahl'. In her grasp, it played tones which stilled or trembled the hearts of everyone around her. Inside of months, she was featuring with the strange etwahl for sold-out crowds. She played just as culling heartstrings, easily controlling the feelings of her audience members - all without a solitary composed note. In mystery, she found a strong and destructive use for her etwahl, utilizing its vibrations to cut items from a separation. She sharpened this control in private, mastering her blessing. When she felt set she up, went to the main spot which could offer her a fitting presentation: the League of Legends.

''Her song moves the spirit, her hush sunders the body.''

- Jericho Swain, in the wake of going to her show
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