Sea Hunter Aatrox

Sea Hunter Aatrox

  750 RP

Release Year : 2015 

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Aatrox Lore 
Aatrox is an incredible warrior, one of just five that stay of an antiquated race known as the Darkin. He wields his huge razor sharp edge with effortlessness and balance, cutting through armies in a style that is sleep inducing to see. With every enemy felled, Aatrox's apparently living sharpened steel drinks in their blood, engaging him and filling his severe, exquisite crusade of butcher. 

The most punctual story of Aatrox is as old as written history. It recounts a war between two incredible groups recollected just as the Protectorate and the Magelords. After some time, the Magelords won a progression of smashing triumphs, abandoning them on the verge of annihilating their sworn foe until the end of time. Upon the arrival of their last showdown, the Protectorate armed force discovered themselves dwarfed, depleted, and ineffectively prepared. They supported for certain thrashing. 

Exactly when all trust appeared to be lost, Aatrox showed up among the positions of the Protectorate. With yet a couple words, he asked the troopers to battle to the last before dedicating himself completely to fight. His vicinity propelled the edgy warriors. At in the first place, they could just watch in wonder as this obscure saint divided through their adversaries, his body and sharpened steel moving as one as though one being. Before long, the warriors discovered themselves pervaded with an intense hunger for the fight to come. They took after Aatrox into the quarrel, every battling with the irate quality of ten until they had won a most improbable triumph. 

Aatrox vanished after that fight, yet the Protectorate armed force's freshly discovered wrath did not. Their astounding triumph prompted numerous more until they found themselves able to at long last return home successful. Their kinsmen hailed them as legends, however they had spared their whole human progress from annihilation, obscurity waited in the brain of every warrior. Something inside of them had changed. After some time, their recollections of fight blurred, just to be supplanted with a terrible disclosure: their demonstrations of chivalry were, truth be told, merciless outrages conferred by their own particular hands. 

Stories like these show up among the myths of numerous societies. On the off chance that they are all to be accepted, Aatrox's vicinity has changed the course of probably the most imperative wars ever. In spite of the fact that these stories recall that him as a hero in dim times, Aatrox's actual legacy may be a world loaded with clash and strife. 

''Some battle for honor, some battle for radiance. It makes a difference just that you battle.'' 

- Aatrox
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